
  • Sofie Adonai (Prologue)

    Sofie was forced to take to the throne when her sister Marie abdicated her royal status and joined the hagioists as part of the rebel coalition.

    In order to avoid a costly war, Sofie decided to allow the anti-monarchists take control of the historically poorer southern territory beyond the Elman Mountains.

    Age: 15 | Height: 5’4” (162 cm) | Eyes: Brown (Gold in flux) | Hair: Black

    Flux: Royal Lumination (powerful variant of light alteration unique to the Elman royal family)

    Alliance: Elman Church of Saints, Kingdom of Ciselmany

    Ideology: Monarchism

  • Father Niccolo (Prologue)

    Niccolo was the Archcardinal of the Elman Church of Saints. Among his responsibilities was maintaing the partnership between the Royal House of Adonai and the Church, which included preparing and coronating future monarchs of Elmany.

    Having known Marie and Sofie from their births, Marie’s defection sent him into a deep depression. He administered the Holy Vows to Sofie on her coronation, carrying out his sacred duty one final time.

    Age: 83 | Height: 5’6” (167 cm) | Eyes: Blue Hair: White (formerly Blond)

    Flux: n/a, formerly Petration (earth alteration)

    Alliance: Elman Church of Saints, Kingdom of Ciselmany

    Ideology: Monarchism

  • Father Adrian (Prologue)

    Father Adrian is a Cardinal in the Elman Church of Saints, serving as the principal liason to the Crown.

    Cardinals have the responsibility of proselytizing the hagioist doctrine according to the Lord of Light and are responsible for representing the Church to the people of Elmany. It was the Cardinals who controversially decided that the institution of monarchy did not contradict the texts, due to the fact that Lord of Light themselves were in a position of authority over the other elemental deities.

    Age: 47 | Height: 5’10” (178 cm) | Eyes: Black | Hair: Brown

    Flux: n/a, formerly Hydration (water alteration)

    Alliance: Elman Church of Saints, Kingdom of Elmany

    Ideology: Monarchism

  • Yemisi Fayowa (Prologue)

    Yemisi Fayowa was once a Bishop in the Royal Elman Church of Saints. Bitterly resentful of the rampant social inequality (based on arbitrary notions of weak and strong flux) and economic precarity that characterized Elman society, she wrote a book called Deadline that called for a full-scale revolution in the country against the Crown.

    After a warrant was issued for her arrest by the King, she would spend the next seven years exiled in the South Elman countryside gathering support for her vision of Elmany as a people’s government that gave political power to the workers and peasants.

    Age: 36 | Height: 5’7” (170 cm) | Eyes: Dark Brown | Hair : Dark Brown

    Flux: Gravitation (gravity alteration)

    Alliance: Elman Rebel Coalition, People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Orthodox Hagioism

  • Gordon Alastair (Prologue)

    Gordon Alastair was a Bishop in the Royal Elman Church of Saints until Yemisi Fayowa came to him with the radical notion of revolution against the Crown, as outlined in her book Deadline.

    After renouncing his position and joining Yemisi’s new Church in the South, he and a few other rebel bishops spent years with her in the Elman countryside building dual power to undermine the royal authority there until they were invited to Haal at the Crown’s request to sign a treaty dividing the nation in half and avoiding war.

    Age: 37 | Height: 6’4” (193 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: Ginger

    Flux: Dimension (space alteration)

    Alliance: Elman Rebel Coalition, People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Orthodox Hagioism

  • Pharoah (Prologue)

    Pharaoh is the Royal Aegis of Queen Sofie, serving as both her personal bodyguard and an important member of her counseling body on matters pertaining to affairs of the Church.

    Pharaoh was asked to summon representatives of the Elman Rebel Coalition on the night before Sofie’s coronation in order to sign a treaty postponing any military conflict over the future of Elmany by dividing the nation among the monarchists and the rebels. He was present at the treaty signing.

    Age: 17 | Height: 5’11” (180 cm) | Eyes: Light Brown | Hair: Black

    Flux: Aeration (wind alteration)

    Alliance: Queen Sofie, Kingdom of Elmany

    Ideology: Monarchism

  • Zeila Newton

    Born in the nation’s capital with an affinity for gravitation, Zeila Newton’s dream is to be the Saint of Light like her idol Marie Adonai.

    A diligent student of Transelmany’s history, Zeila adores the revolt against the monarchy and its heroes, wanting nothing more than to do whatever she can to keep Yemisi’s dream alive.

    Age: 15 | Height: 5’4 (162 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Black

    Flux: Gravitation (gravity alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism, Marie Adonai Thought.

  • Noria Diawara-Newton

    Noria Diawara was a trauma physician in the Church of Wind, active during the post-revolution war in Transelmany.

    After the conflict ended with Yemisi and Gordon’s victory, she fell in love with Rose Newton, a Wind Apostle she had met in the field. Rose and Noria would eventually move to the Capital region of Sylens before the birth of their daughter.

    Age: 48 | Height: 5’6 (168 cm) | Eyes: Dark Brown | Hair: Black

    Flux: none

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Orthodox Hagioism

  • Rose Newton

    Rose Newton is a retired Bishop from the Church of Wind, currently living in Sylens with Noria and their daughter Zeila. Before the schism, Rose lived in the eastern countryside of Elmany and was preparing to join Yemisi’s revolutionary vanguard.

    But that quickly turned into a defense of the newly-created nation from factions that had different ideas for how it would be run. Injured in a battle at Solas, she would be treated by a physician named Noria. After the war ended they reunited and began a new life together in the city they first met, eventually moving south to Sylens before the birth of their child.

    Age: 48 | Height: 5’9 (175 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Auburn

    Flux: Aeration (wind alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Marie Adonai

    Marie Adonai is the Saint of Light in the Transelman Council of Saints; which also makes her the de facto head of state of Transelmany.

    Infamous worldwide for abdicating her claim to the throne at the tender age of nine and defecting to the separatist coalition led by Bishop Yemisi, whose ideology she still carries on.

    Age: 46 | Height: 5’10 (178 cm) | Eyes: Brown (Gold in flux) | Hair: Black

    Flux: Royal Lumination

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism, Marie Adonai Thought

  • Gordon Alastair

    Gordon Alastair represents the nation’s northeasternmost diocese, the noble Church of Space, in the Council of Saints, as its oldest member.

    He is a revered figure in the country, not only as the first leader of the Council but as one of the leaders of the revolt against the monarchy that led to the nation’s founding.

    Age: 74 | Height: 6’4 (193 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: White (formerly Ginger)

    Flux: Dimension (space alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Andrea Tommasi

    The Church of Lightning is led by Andrea Tommasi, who serves on the Council of Saints as its parliamentarian, managing all their administrative and logistical duties.

    A master of fulguration, Andrea not only wields the power of thunder in battle, but can move at lightning speeds as well.

    Age: 34 | Height: 5’10 (178 cm) | Eyes: Dark Brown (Light Blue in flux) | Hair: Black

    Flux: Fulguration (lightning alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Juno Soleil

    An immigrant from the Velsh Republic, Juno Soleil sits on the Council of Saints representing the sunny, coastal diocese that shares a border with her home nation.

    Chosen in controversial fashion, she struggles with the weight of her new job but performs it admirably, adding more to her already impressive résumé with each passing year.

    Age: 29 | Height: 5’9 (175 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: Brown (dyed Blond)

    Flux: Immolation (fire alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Velsh Hagioism

  • Alice d'Arnaud

    Alice d’Arnaud is the most popular Saint on the Council, representing the westernmost diocese in the nation, the Church of Water.

    Effortlessly affable and a friend to all on the council, she is a frequent visitor to the capital city of Sylens thanks to its proximity to her home region. She has a habit of teasing those she likes, and Isaac is her most frequent target.

    Age: 32 | Height: 5’11 (180 cm) | Eyes: Blue | Hair: Blond

    Flux: Hydration (water alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Lucia Pao

    Saint Lucia Pao, Protector of the Green, is the current leader of the Green Autonomous Region of Transelmany.

    Stern and no-nonsense, she brings a very serious tone to the Council marked by her unflinching dedication to the Green above all else. Often a swing vote, she is the only member of the Council whose first allegiance is not to the state but her native region.

    Age: 35 | Height: 5’8 (172 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Black

    Flux: Floration [Power of the Green] (plant alteration, theoretical life-giving properties)

    Alliance: The Green, People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Green Hagioism

  • Rhoda Sakhir

    Rhoda Sakhir is the other Velsh Saint on the Council alongside Juno, the leader of the Church of Stone, the most natural resource-rich diocese of the nation.

    Rhoda is a powerful alterator, known for her extremely rare command of minerals that only naturally occur deep underground: a power she manifested unusually early.

    Age: 33 | Height: 5’10 (179 cm) | Eyes: Light Brown | Hair: Brown

    Flux: Petration (natural mineral alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Robin Reyes

    Robin Reyes became the youngest Saint in history two years ago, when they were chosen at just 18 to head the Church of Wind. Their total control of air pressure grants them unaided flight, in addition to offensive and defensive capabilities.

    A true bringer of jollity, they are the most jovial of the Saints. They have a reputation as the most sympathetic of the council members, ever the voice of reason and the favorite of many of her colleagues.

    Age: 20 | Height: 5’7 (170 cm) | Eyes: Green | Hair: Brown (dyed Pink)

    Flux: Aeration (wind alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Temi Fayowa

    Temi Fayowa represents the Church of Gravity on the Council, inheriting the seat from her mother Yemisi, one of the founders of the nation.

    In addition to her potent and focused gravitation, Temi is a capable strategist, bringing a brilliant analytical mind and a cold pragmatism that keeps much of the Council’s feet firmly planted on the ground.

    Age: 36 | Height: 5’6 (168 cm) | Eyes: Dark Brown | Hair: Dark Brown

    Flux: Gravitation (gravity alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Kristof Nikola

    Kristof Nikola is the Church of Poles’ representative on the Council of Saints. He is the owner of the True North, a giant bar magnet whose form he can manipulate to both offensive and defensive ends.

    An easygoing and reserved Saint, he is unfortunately known for his frequent absences. His time on the council has seen the consolidation of the informal 'G5' voting bloc consisting of himself and the other four Saints representing the dioceses east of the Green— the churches of the Dark alterations whose interests often align.

    Age: 29 | Height: 6’2 (188 cm) | Eyes: Light Brown | Hair: Brown

    Flux: Polaration (pole alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Tiana Früde

    Tiana Früde currently represents the Church of Time on the Council. The diocese is led by a committee of three Archbishops due to the prolonged absence of its Saint, with Tiana being the chosen delegate to the Council until the Time Saint’s return.

    Tiana is popular in her home diocese, and is renowned as a brilliant strategic mind and political thinker, usually serving as the foremost authority on diplomacy for the Council.

    Age: 34 | Height: 5’8 (173 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Brown (tips dyed Blond)

    Flux: Dilation (time alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Isaac

    Isaac represents the Church of Darkness on the Council. The newest and most obscure diocese in Transelmany; it is a sparsely populated, mountainous region in the far north that was formerly Church of Space territory.

    An orphan from Silent Hills, Isaac’s abilities were trained in secret by Gordon after their first meeting, and after attaining the rank of Bishop in the Church of Space in just a few years of service, he was canonized as Saint of a newly created Church.

    Age: 32 | Height: 6’3 (190 cm) | Eyes: Gray | Hair: Black (tips dyed Blond)

    Flux: Isolation (specifics unclear)

    Alliance: Gordon Alastair, People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Scientific Hagioism

  • Tini Charre

    Tini is from the Church of Fire but moved from Yola to the Capital after her father Damian Charre was canonized as the Saint of Fire.

    After Damian’s tragic murder at the hands of Crown Restorationists, she vowed to honor his legacy and stop at nothing to become the next Saint of her home church.

    Age: 15 | Height: 5’4 (164 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: Brown

    Flux: Immolation (fire alteration)

    Alliance: Church of Fire

    Ideology: Unclear

  • Damian Charre (Six Years Ago)

    Damian Charre was the Saint of Fire before Juno. Born in the Church of Fire, but a true citizen of the world, he always believed that Transelmany should have stronger alliances with its neighbors, and went on numerous diplomatic exploits.

    On one such visit, he was ambushed by a group of terrorists known as the Crown Restorationists. He fought valiantly but was defeated by their leader. He left behind a daughter named Tini.

    Age: 36 (deceased) | Height: 6’2 (188 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: Brown

    Flux: Immolation (fire alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany, The World

    Ideology: International Hagioism

  • Crown Restoration Movement Leader (Six Years Ago)

    Not much is known about the leader of the cell of Crown Restorationists that attacked Damian Charre in Qaddar six years ago except that she is Elman, and supports the monarchy.

    While, she is not acting on behalf of Ciselmany, the Crown Restoration movement can undoubtedly be characterized as a political project for the reunification of Elmany: one which Ciselmany is not ideologically opposed to.

    Age: 42 | Height: 5’8 (173 cm) | Eyes: Brown (Blue in flux) | Hair: Black (tips dyed Blue)

    Flux: Hydration (water isolation)

    Alliance: Crown Restoration Movement

    Ideology: Monarchism

  • René Adelaide

    René Adelaide is a Bishop in the Church of Light. The regional leader of the Examination Committee, René is the head invigilator of the Apostle Exams, and responsible for overseeing both of its phases.

    A native of the Water Diocese, René spends most of his with his squadmates Jara and Yvette. The three of them came into the Church of Light together, and they all serve on the Examination Committee.

    Age: 25 | Height: 6’3 (193 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Brown (tips dyed Blond)

    Flux: Petration (natural mineral alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Jara Dumfries

    Jara Dumfries is a Bishop in the Church of Light. A member of the Examination Committee, René is the an invigilator of the Apostle Exams, and responsible for supervising the written exams, as well as serving as an official for the physical exam.

    A prairie native from the Lightning Diocese, she ran away from home at 12 and enrolled in the academy at the Point, where she met Yvette. They participated in the 17th Apostle Exams a few years later, and eventually made their way to the Church of Light.

    Age: 23 | Height: 5’8 (172 cm) | Eyes: Blue | Hair: Brown (dyed Blond, Pink & Purple)

    Flux: Fulguration (lightning alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Yvette Bissouma

    Yvette Bissouma was born in the Church of Stone. When her family discovered the natural potency of her aeration, she was sent to the Point to study at the Haraslin Academy.

    She struggled to make friends until she met Jara, who was a runaway. They grew inseparable, and ended up taking the Apostle Exams after graduation, ending up in the Church of Light.

    Age: 23 | Height: 5’10 (177 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Dark Brown

    Flux: Aeration (wind alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Decapre

    Decapre was raised in Port Mera by two physicians. Her real parents and place of birth are unknown. They supported her decision to become an Apostle, and she hopes to be chosen by the Church of Water so she can remain close to her home.

    She is a powerful hydrator specializing in the control of ice. While she can project it outwards from her hands and feet, she prefers to encase them in the ice and unleash a flurry of surgically precise strikes on her opponent from close range.

    Age: 15 | Height: 5’4 (163 cm) | Eyes: Dark Brown | Hair: Black (dyed Blonde)

    Flux: Hydration (water alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Maxine Faraday

    Born in the Church of Lightning, Maxine “Max” Faraday was long thought to have far too weak a connection to the flux to allow her be an Apostle. But she eventually realized that her unique variant of fulguration could be amplified by a conduit to devastating effects.

    She would later take to carrying a portable conductor— a thin, long sword— with her everywhere she went. Max resolved to become an Apostle and help her country in any way she could, and prove that even someone with naturally weak flux could achieve great things.

    Age: 15 | Height: 5’5 (167 cm) | Eyes: Hazel | Hair: Brown

    Flux: Conduit-Amplified Fulguration (lightning alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Curie (Flashback)

    Curie was born to a formerly noble family in the Lake District. Despite their ideological opposition to hagioism, House Lin chose to remain in Transelmany, and saw their vast wealth redistributed under Yemisi Fayowa’s reforms. When their youngest daughter developed an unprecedented connection to the flux, they deemed it heretical and shunned her.

    With joining the Church as her only way out, their daughter ran away from home on her 14th birthday to the Church of Poles to participate in that year’s Apostle Exams, rejecting her birth name entirely to take on the mononym Curie.

    Age: 14 | Height: 5’4 (163 cm) | Eyes: Green | Hair: Black

    Flux: Isolation (specifics unclear)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

  • Curie

    Winning the Apostle Exams granted Curie the right to join any Church of her choosing as a new Apostle. Unbeknownst to her, however, the Churches also reserve the right to reject the candidates: and as radical as Transelmany’s attitude to the flux is, many Saints still fear the unknown, as she learned when the Saint of Water vetoed her choice.

    But Isaac saw things differently, and offered Curie a place in his church, the only Saint to do so. A shrewd decision, as in the five years since then, she has risen to the rank of Bishop, remains fiercely loyal to the Church of Darkness, and is now seen as Isaac’s future successor.

    Age: 19 | Height: 5’7 (171 cm) | Eyes: Green | Hair: Black (Green Highlights)

    Flux: Isolation (specifics unclear)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Scientific Hagioism

  • William Sterling

    William Sterling is a Bishop in the Church of Fire. The last Apostle chosen by Saint Damian, he was forced to quickly accustom to a new normal under a new Saint.

    Steadfast and dependable, he was quickly promoted thanks to his spotless record in missions and his affable attitude. Now having attained the rank of Bishop, he remains committed to helping Saint Juno and the Church of Fire however he can.

    Age: 22 | Height: 6’2 (189 cm) | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Black

    Flux: Immolation (fire alteration)

    Alliance: People’s Republic of Transelmany

    Ideology: Hagioism-Fayowaism

