

A large continent situated between the Kylan and Theran oceans, Kedavaara contains four nations that roughly correspond to its northern, western, southern and eastern expanses.

Four Nations

The four nations of Kedavaara currently exist in a peaceful status quo predicated on deliberate diplomatic relations with one another.


Elmany was once one country under a single monarchy, but in the year 658 AL, the growing movement led by Bishop Yemisi Fayowa to depose royal authority and replace it with a people’s government in the south of Elmany, following her original theories of Orthodox Hagioism. In the interest of avoiding war, Queen Sofie agreed to allow the country be split in half, with anti-monarchists, hagioists and other republicans renouncing their citizenship and moving to the new country across the mountains.

A moderately-sized country making up the southern portion of the continent, situated south of its sister nation Ciselmany, west of the Velsh Republic and east of Ankylosante. Sylens is the largest city and capital; other major cities include Port Mera and Yola. It has an area of roughly 80,000 square miles (207,200 km²) and a population of about 7 million people.

The territory that is now Transelmany was once within the Kingdom of Elmany, but it was ceded by Queen Sofie to the anti-monarchy Transelman Church that now controlled most of it in order to avoid a war. In the years that followed, that Church temporarily split into three major factions who disagreed over how the new nation should be administered:

  • the Sofiaraka, led by Victoria Windsor: who wanted a mode of decentralized federal government similar to what was in Ankylosante,

  • the Voromiraka, led by Yemisi Fayowa: who preferred a unitary system that concentrated authority in a single body, and

  • the Lumenists, led by Leona Lumenosa: who did not believe that organized government was possible in the Prarie region where she was operating.

This disagreement eventually led to the Transelman Civil War, which lasted for three years after the Treaty of Haal was signed.

The war resulted in a Voromiraka victory, and the addition of the formerly independent territory of the Green, as Yemisi originally intended. 11 churches (including the Green) were created as the dioceses of the Transelman Church of Saints, each represented by its highest ranking apostle: the Saint of that Church. These Saints would serve on a ruling Council; the supreme legislative body of Transelmany. These 11 churches would become 12 when Gordon proposed the creation of a new diocese to represent the obscure variation of flux known as Isolation. The vote narrowly passed, with all four northern dioceses, the Green and the Church of Light voting in favor.

Since then, Transelmany has existed peacefully, benefiting from a very healthy relationship with its eastern neighbors the Union of Velsh Hagioist Emirates (known simply as the Velsh Republic) who underwent a similar revolt against monarchic rule that they had assisted. Their shared ideology serves as a mutual bulwark against aggression from the north and the west of the continent.

Keep reading Twelve Saints to find out more!

